Music to my ears...

August, 2021

"Kehte hai har cheej me sangeet hai, bas kehne wale nahi sunne wale ki jaroorat hai". Isn't it true? Imagine a life without music. Can you?

Can't music be defines as the integral part of life? Imagine a movie without songs, background score or imagine a party without music. Oh my god, life would be such a dull spark! Music to my ears is my mood or I can say my mood is my music. Music to my ears are my emotions, my joy, my sorrow.

So, where is music?

Just see the world, it is filled with rhythm. When you pass by a railway station, you will hear the rhythmic sound of wheels of railway. The chirping of birds, it is like the God has made those little musicians! The sound of raindrops, the humming, even the tone with we speak can also be considered as rhythmic. The rustling of the leaves, the burble of flowing water, the echo produced is also music, isn't it?

What do music do?

Music represents our culture. The folksongs we sing, represents where we belong to.The instruments used tells about the origin of perticular music. Also music helps us to connect with other culture, people, learn a new language to some extent, respect the human-race. Also the religious prayers are part of devotion. It is said that music has no borders. In short, music makes the world such a happy place!

My personal experience

When I was in school, my mother sent me to piano classes and from there, my journey of music started. My family realised that bringing music to my life was a good decision as I started to remember things more powerfully. I started to feel more energetic. It gave me positive energy. It benifited me in so many ways. There are numerous advantages of music! Let us discuss those now.

Advantages of Music

  • Listening to music can really enhance individual's physical performance. Whether it be studies, sports or any other thing.
  • Everyone can tell that music reduces one's stress. Listening to music just calms us and we feel fresh.
  • With stress, sometime comes pain and music reduces the pain we experience.
  • If you are going through depression, just listen to feel good music and you will realise that it really helps to reduce depression.
  • In a nutshell

    In a nutshell, music defines our life, our culture. It revolves around our world. It gives us joy. It benefits us in different ways. Music to 'our ears' is the universal language of mankind.